Thank You God For Games.

And thank you Dead or Alive for boob physics.

Monthly Archives: December 2010

I really should update more.

I’m actually questioning if I should keep this website for just reviews or also just do random stuff like my other blog. Oh wells.

Here’s a list of the games I’m kinda looking forward to, I don’t know, I’m bored. Sue me (please don’t).

1. La’Noire
2.  Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm
3. The new Monster Hunter for the PSP
4. Little Big Planet 2
5. Portal 2

And here’s a list of games I have, and haven’t played though I should.

1. Batman Akrham Asylum
2. Mass Effect 2
3. Borderlands: Claptrap’s Revenge
4. Red Dead Redemption.

And lastly the list of games that I have, say that I’ll play it, but probably won’t

Read above.

-Cause I’m just that bored.

Super Meat/Tofu Boy

Peta has done a lot of things, none of them substantial. The last I heard about them they were asking famous women actors to pose naked in attempt to make men go vegan. It felt like paying for porn by not eating meat and well to be honest, that ain’t ever going to work.

Peta’s latest publicity stunt was to take  a game (an amazing one at that) called Super Meat Boy and make a parody called Super Tofu Boy. What gets me is the description provided for the game which is this (I felt like adding commentary to this description was appropriate, its in italics):

Meat Boy is a vengeful, bloody cube of rotting animal flesh (actually he’s a boy without skin but then again, both ARE kinda ew). And he smells (we get that from the rotting bit). After a short-lived fling with Bandage Girl (sympathy dates, really), he became enraged when he was dumped for the tasty (Wait what?) and satisfying (Oh god what do these guys do with tofu in their spare time?!) Tofu Boy. Once Bandage Girl slept with Tofu Boy and saw all that he had to offer (overall less protein, less taste and no bite to it), it was bye-bye beef, hello bean curd. Enraged by his loss and lack of ability to compete with the badass that is Tofu Boy (they probably misspelled meat, everyone does that), Meat Boy (Again, they meant tofu, its just so easy to typo) snapped and kidnapped Bandage Girl (oh dear)-because if he can’t have her, no one will.

To be honest, it feels like the person who wrote this first of all 1. Needs to get laid, and 2. Has trouble getting laid. I don’t know, the description is obviously used to try to piss someone off but instead he tries too hard. I don’t know aren’t parodies supposed to be a witty and amusing remake of an original game? The way this is written it sounds like he’s compensating for something (I’ll leave that to your imagination).

To be fair, I completely hate the taste of tofu so when they described him as “tasty and satisfying” I just remember the day I ate tofu and it made me throw up. Not a pleasant memory. Though seriously, tofu more tasty than meat? I really doubt that.

On a more humorous note, the creator of Super Meat Boy responded with a super tofu boy in his own game with the description:
Pro: Inflated Ego.
Con: Not actually as effective as he thinks he is.

And this joke:
How many PETA members does it take to change a lightbulb?….None cause PETA can’t change anything.

THAT is witty and a burn at the same time. LEARN FROM HIM PETA.

– Cause I’m just that…eww…tofu…